Savory Cuisines works very hard to make sure that the venues in which we have preferred status receive our full recommendation when ever possible. Working with preferred venues and vendors helps event planners have confidence that their event will go off without a hitch. This is because of the frequency in which the different entities work together will, in most cases, make for a streamlined event with less unforeseen issues. The following is a brief description of Savory Cuisines’ top four venues.
Rembrandt Yard is one of our favorite venues to work at purely because of its premium location and the sheer beauty of the event center. They are located at 1301 Spruce Street right in the heart of downtown Boulder. This venue is bright, airy, and adorned with positively gorgeous art. The floor to ceiling windows not only let in a tremendous amount of light but it also provides an amazing backdrop for any event. This venue can accommodate guests on two different floors which each hold up to 150 people for sit-down dinners and 300 people for stand-up events.
The Boulder Theater is also located in the heart of downtown Boulder and is available for private event rentals. This historical art deco building offers event planners with a vast array of options as it is a multi-use facility. Since this venue is still a fully functional theater, it is great for events like meetings, conferences, concerts, movie screenings, weddings, and family reunions. The Boulder Theater can comfortably hold anywhere from 100 to 700 people for private events and up to 1000 people for concerts.
The Koenig Alumni Center located on the CU campus and is also an historical building. This beautiful building was constructed in 1884 and was originally used as the university president’s place of residence. Over the last 128 years the building has gone through many renovations which have made it one of the most sought after venues in Boulder. The first floor, including the backyard, is available for rent for private events typically from May through mid-August. They do also have some availability during the holidays for those kinds of events as well.
The Stone Mountain Lodge is located in Lyons Colorado which is just north of Boulder. This venue offers the best of what Colorado has in terms of outdoor events even in the rain! Their unique location makes them a convenient choice for those who want a somewhat rustic feel without traveling too far. This venue can easily accommodate 150-200 people per reception tent.